Learning Should Be Fun!
A.R.T.S. of Love is the perfect motivation to get our AUSOME kids off the couch and moving! Every kid can get the hang of the activities we provide.
We encourage the process of mastering self care, social and self expression and life skills through practical learning, mentoring and interaction with their peers.
A.R.T.S. of Love helps our AUSOME kids find countless ways to share who they are and meet new friends like them!
We’re All About Exceptional Learners

All lead instructors have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree and are state trained and certified in Autism awareness. We also have certified S.T.E.M. instructors on staff! All employees must pass a mandatory background check.

- Sensory Tables
- Outdoor Play & Sports Activities
- Yoga, Music & Dance Therapy
- Basic Computer Skills

Parents involvement will help campers become acquainted to our daily program. Parents will be encouraged to volunteer a minimum of 10 hours per month or provide donations for events and snacks.

- S.T.E.M. Projects
- Life Skills Clinics
- Social Development
- Arts & Crafts